You have the power to help more
patients move forward with care

For information on Allegro Credit call Merchant Services
877.744.2290 or Email:

You have the power to help more
patients move forward with care

For information on Allegro Credit call Merchant Services at 877.744.2290 or Email:
When you offer CareCredit and Allegro Credit, it helps:

CareCredit and Allegro Credit are trusted, simple financing solutions.
Allegro Credit is an installment loan that has a predictable, consistent monthly payment and a set payoff date.
CareCredit is a credit card that can be used at more than 270,000+1 health and wellness locations - from veterinarians to dentists.
With millions of cardholders, chances are some could already be in your community.
Plus, CareCredit may be integrated in your practice management software.

— Dr. Rebekah Tripp Choice Audiology
With CareCredit as your partner, you get more than just a flexible financing solution for your patients. We've created resources and materials to help you turn your current patients into hearing health advocates for the next generation of patients.
Learning what people think about preventative hearing health is the first step to helping them make it a priority.

Take the next step. It's easy.

Already enrolled with CareCredit? Click here.
For information on Allegro Credit call Merchant Services at 877.744.2290
or Email:
1 Cardholder Engagement Study, 2023